Today, February 11th, 2022 marks the 20 year anniversary of the first installation of Quik! software. Before we incorporated as Efficient Technology later in 2002, we had our first install. We were a passionate, two-person startup then. Now, we’re a team of people exhibiting the same hard work, dedication, and continued passion.
The idea behind Quik! began as a basic spreadsheet and evolved into the App and API you know today. Co-founder and CEO of Efficient Technology, Richard Walker originally developed the product for personal use after growing weary of hand filling forms for his clients:
“When I was a financial adviser, I worked hard to earn the trust and respect of my first clients only to discover the ‘reward’ was I got to fill out all their paperwork by hand,” said Walker.
From his annoyance at this tedious task, came an idea. He designed a spreadsheet connected to a database that recognized his customer data and auto-filled it onto forms. “Everyone who saw it immediately asked for my software,” Walker said. And that is when Walker and his mother and co-founder, Cheryl Dillion, decided to commercialize this software to help others like them.
After devoting himself to months of developing the software, Walker’s first installation was with BW & Associates in Orange County, California. He sold them this new software solution with the promise that they would be able to save time and money. And it wasn’t long before Walker began to learn about the impact his software was making. He recalls:
“It was our first installation, and after a couple of weeks we received a call from the woman whose full-time-forty-hour-a-week job had been handwriting forms,” Walker said. “She was practically in tears, thanking us, and said, ‘You've changed my life!’ She went on to become a financial adviser and then the VP of marketing at a broker/dealer. I’m not taking credit for her success, but it is amazing to see what happens when people are empowered to do their best work instead of paperwork.”
This software soon attracted various businesses who wanted to free up their time that was once consumed by paperwork. With customer satisfaction, came the incorporation of Efficient Technology on May 31, 2002, and the evolution of Quik! products we have today.
“Quik! has completely changed the way we do business,” Bonnie Wusz, Certified Financial Planner, said. “When clients unexpectedly want to open an account, the paperwork is practically instantaneous now…”
Whether it’s last-minute or known in advance, Quik! allows businesses fast form access with a click of a button.
“Clients love our effectiveness and we simply can’t live without Quik!,” Wusz said.
Since that first installation two decades ago, Quik! has mapped thousands of forms and made them accessible to thousands of financial professionals. Quik! has come a long way since. With our industry-leading partners and outstanding team, we continue to evolve the Quik! App and API to meet the needs of our customers.
To all our customers, partners and team, thank you. You have enabled us to evolve Quik! throughout the years. Celebrate with us our combined past, present, and future success.