What a year this has been!
First, I want to offer my gratitude to you for choosing to work with us. Whether you have been our customer for a month, a year, or many years, we value each one of you. We work to make paperwork the easiest part of your business and we continually strive to streamline your experience with the best forms automation solutions.
Without a doubt this year has been challenging and unpredictable for all of us in varying degrees. We’ve experienced change personally and professionally. Despite the challenge, we hope you have experienced growth in new and perhaps unexpected ways.
From a business standpoint here at Quik!, we saw monthly form usage decrease in volume in March, April, and May compared to 2019 but since June, usage has continued to significantly increase. In fact, our reports revealed monthly usage volume has even surpassed the volume over the past several years. With the shifts this year, the demand for automated form solutions has never been stronger.
As with many of you, we were fortunate to have successfully adapted to the changing times. Our company went 100% virtual this year and we were able to provide our employees the flexibility, systems, and tools to maintain a high level of productivity while working remote. In fact, a few of us moved, expanding our presence into Texas. (We will update you with our new mailing address for our corporate headquarters in California soon!)
With that change, I was able to make the decision to move my entire family from Los Angeles, CA to Austin, Texas. Having taken many trips to see customers, I’ve always been fond of Austin. It is a fun, business-friendly city with a rich and diverse talent pool. Hopefully, next year Austin’s music scene will recover and thrive again so you can come visit and enjoy live music with me.
I share this with you because Quik! doesn’t seek to only provide you with automated forms solutions. We see you as an important part of our team. We enjoy working with you and seeing your success. You help make Quik! better like every member of our team.
As we all enthusiastically say goodbye to 2020, we look forward to greeting 2021 with optimism and excitement for the innovations we’re working to release in Q1 and Q2.
May the new year bring you more success, less stress and more fulfillment.
We are here for you and hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for partnering with Quik!.

Richard Walker