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Quik! Joins ‘Time for Trees’ Initiative with Arbor Day Foundation

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

April 7, 2020

Quik! is joining the Arbor Day Foundation as it launches the Time for Trees initiative. Through this effort, Quik! will support the Arbor Day Foundation’s push to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities worldwide by 2022. That’s enough trees to plant the equivalent of 3,500 Central Parks!  Along with other partners in cities and forests across the globe, we are coming together to drive much-needed change and to improve the quality of life around the world through the simplest, most affordable, and most effective solution: planting trees. This will pave the way for the health and well-being of people in this generation and future generations to come.   As a forms automation provider, Quik! saves roughly one tree every hour of every day based on how frequently customers access Quik!’s forms library. Between online forms with e-signature, joining the Time for Trees initiative and partnering with Arbor Day Foundation to plant 10,000 trees a year, Quik! is committed to creating a business environment that minimizes impact on our forests.  With 20,000 trees planted to date and more than 30,000 trees saved through forms automation, we value being a part of a global campaign to build healthy forests. Those trees directly affected by Quik!’s efforts could reduce about 980 tons of air pollution, intercept nearly 2.530 billion gallons of rainfall and sequester 15,905 metric tons of CO2 over the next 40 years. Our roots run deep and year after year our employees and customers reinforce that they want to work with a company that carries these values. Through the Time for Trees initiative, we’ll drive awareness around trees as a scalable solution to the world’s most critical environmental issues. If there was ever a time to plant trees, that time is now. The Arbor Day Foundation is also inspiring 5 million tree planters to join in this initiative, so we can’t do this without your support. To learn more about the Arbor Day Foundation’s Time for Trees initiative or how to get involved, please visit or follow the Arbor Day Foundation on social media.   Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Follow Quik! on social media to get involved, save trees and be part of the change.  LinkedIn | Twitter


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